
  • New submission date has expired. Abstracts or full-text papers can be uploaded here.

You can participate the conference by submitting an abstract or a full paper.

The submissions can be in English or Turkish.

In submission, there is no template for abstracts, the submission system will be used directly.

After getting acceptance, the abstracts should be sent in following templates

Author Guidelines:

Your abstracts or full texts will be firstly reviewed by the editor and then will be directed to three field specialist reviewers. This evaluation process will be based on appropriateness and originality of the topic, main contributions to the area of interest, methodology, analytical procedures, results and their match by the problem of the study, and openness to develop new insights.

  • In the conference, 15 minutes will be reserved for the presentation of each paper.
  • At submission, the language should be the same with presentation language, that can be either English or Turkish.
  • For accepted Turkish full text submissions, an abstract in English will be requested after the conference days between certain dates and in a template.
  • The submission must include a problem statement, have a conceptual framework, and present methodology and results clearly.
  • For Full Text submissions
    • The file must be in Ms WORD (DOC or DOCX) format with A4 page size.
    • The file must have 2,5 cm intention/margin in right, left, top and bottom edges of the page; 1,15 line spacing and 11 point Times New Roman fonts.
    • If any, the tables, figures, etc. must be within the text with properly numbered captions (like Table 1…. Table 2…, Figure 1…..)
    • The reference list, citation and captions of tables and figure must be in APA-6 style.
    • The full-text papers must not exceed 8000 words including title, abstract, main text, references and attachments. Here, the abstract must not exceed 300 words
    • It must include at least 3 and at most 5 keywords.
  • For Abstract Submissions,
    • It must be in 300-500 words if only the abstract will be submitted.
    • The file must be in Ms WORD (DOC or DOCX) format with A4 page size.
    • The file must have 2,5 cm intention/margin in right, left, top and bottom edges of the page;  1,15 line spacing and 11 point Times New Roman fonts.
    • It must include at least 3 and at most 5 keywords.